Air Europa faces pilot strike

Air Europa, Spain’s third airline in terms of numbers of passengers, is facing a pilots strike, as the Spanish trade union SEPLA has said this Wednesday. SEPLA have programmed a press briefing for this Thursday to explain the reasons. No concrete dates for the strike have been said so far.


Some sources explained that the strike comes in response to repeated requests to the airline about the details of the new project with "no result" and due to "outsourcing" being undertaken on some routes the collective "threatened" their jobs.

Pilots refer to code-share agreements with Orizonia’s airline Orbest the Canary Islands, one from the airline's operational and business practices is advocated that the union considers a "outsourcing."

The airline owned by Juan Jose Hidalgo expressed their "surprise" at the announcement, and that "there is a conflict that justifies it," especially since a week ago and at the request of the union SEPLA, President the company has invited the entire group of pilots to a meeting on September 7.


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