IATA announces successful trials of electronic consignment security declaration

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced successful trials of the Electronic Consignment Security Declaration, (e-CSD). The e-CSD meets regulatory demands for evidence that appropriate security measures have been applied to air cargo and mail by detailing how, when and by whom a consignment of cargo or mail has been secured. By standardizing the process and documentation of such evidence, e-CSD will replace redundant security declarations in various formats and simplify the implementation of security emergency amendments. 


The e-CSD trials were conducted in the UK followed by the Netherlands during October. This followed 18 months of intense work by IATA (with regulators, freight forwarders and other key stakeholders) to develop standards and processes for data capture.


“These successful trials will improve both security and efficiency. The e-CSD is a key element in securing the whole supply chain. By establishing that cargo and mail consignments have been correctly secured upstream of the airport and through transit points, bottlenecks and delays will be reduced. The endorsement of the UK Department of Transport and regulators in the Netherlands is very significant, as this paves the way for other key regulators to review and hopefully endorse the e-CSD in the months to come,” said Des Vertannes, IATA Global Head of Cargo.

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