Privatization of Spanish Airports: Acciona and FCC will bid

The giant Spanish construction companies prepare their assault on the airport management, both in Spain and abroad. So far only Ferrovial, owned by Del Pino family, had ventured into this field with its purchase of BAA manager. Now, after the conversion of the big construction companies into services groups, once marked the decline of construction, to bid for the Spanish airports is the biggest fight.

The latest to land have been Entrecanales and Koplowitz, who through their company Acciona and FCC join the bid for El Prat and Barajas Airports to which were already registered Ferrovial and infrastructure manager Abertis.


These leading companies will attend Spanish not alone in granting the two main airports in Spain. Acciona has allied itself with Germany's Fraport, the largest sector in the country, while FCC is looking for partners for this bid. Ferrovial, meanwhile, will concur with any of the partners BAA.


Monday is the deadline for companies to present their plans, and once seeded, they may make their offers. Of the other big builders, there are still companies that are hesitant to enter the contest, as OHL, Villar Mir, who has already expressed its intention to grow in the field of airport management, but for now their eyes are more placed on the Brazilian market.


The other big construction companies, ACS and Sacyr, discarded his assault on the airport sector. The company owned by the March family, Miguel Fluxá, the Albertos y Florentino Perez, is about to divest the business of Hotchief airport, while Sacyr is more focused on expanding its control of Repsol.


The operator is done with Barajas management must make a minimum of 3,700 million initial fee, for 1,600 million costing El Prat. From there, Aena will receive an annual fee equal to 20 percent of turnover for each airport, with a guaranteed minimum amount. It is known that in 2012 the Madrid will pay 150 million, while Barcelona requires 80 million.

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