Travel Agencies | According to Rafael Gallego, president of FEAVV

"Spanish big travel retail chains don’t need as many offices"

FEAAV (Spanish Federation of Travel Agencies) president, Rafael Gallego Nadal, also vice chairman of the Tourism Council of the CEOE, believes that "there are too many offices of travel agencies, too many points of sale.” He add that if he had a large network of agencies, he "wouldn’t have an outlet on every corner, because it’s not necessary."

Gallego, told, argues that certain services provided by travel agency chains "can be centralized," because, in his view, the major networks are somewhat "oversized". It should be remembered that, according to Amadeus, the 8 largest groups of agencies, with more than 100 offices, currently bring together over half of all outlets in Spain.

Of the 6826 branches in 2022 accounts for companies other than Amadeus late in the first half of this year, almost 25 percent of companies have a single point of sale. The president of the Spanish Federation of Travel Agencies says Spanish travel agency plant is composed of between 7,500 and 8,000 branches, given the number of retailers connected to Amadeus than 90 percent.


This figure "is the ideal" for Spain, Gallego said after that was not "logical" that there was a time when it will surpass 10,000, and declined sharply since the crisis "natural regulation put forward a rather have taken four years, took one and a half "after the explosion experienced by the sector to pull heat from the estate.

For the president of FEAAV, the equivalent of Spanish ABTA, in Spain there are not many travel agencies compared to other European Union countries, contrary to some reports suggest that as the view that each market has its peculiarities and can not compare the habits of a consumer countries.

On the price war in travel accentuated in recent months, Gallego confirms to that digital that it will have an impact on the income of the agencies, since "it works with more or less the same price a year ago, and some cases even cheaper. "

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