Viajes Iberia-BCD Travel alliance, booming

Viajes Iberia-BCD Travel, is walking on the right track 10 months after making public their alliance. The corporate division of the network led by the Spanish Enrique Riera continues to expand with increases in staff. Business travel supposed 250 million in 2010 from 833 to ViajesIberiaturnover, a figure that will rise this year to help Orizonia retail network to approach 1,000 million in revenue.


ViajesIberiaearlier this year projected that the corporate increased by 40 percent year on year in 2011.ViajesIberiapick 150 accounts from Marsans, accounting for annual sales of 80 million. Orizonia network currently manages over 8,200 accounts nationwide.


ViajesIberiaplans more hiring of personnel for their corporate division in theprovinceofBarcelona,Madridand the Levante zone, as has been told Preferente. His partnership with BCD Travel, the world's third largest business, was followed by a similar operation Globalia a few weeks.


The enterprise is becoming a balm for large retail chains, in the Spanish outbound slack. Barceló signed 4 years ago with American Express the first joint venture between Spanish retail network and a company specializing in business travel.


Large networks have benefited in the last year of Marsans hollow as Viajes El Corte Ingles, who scratched about 30 percent of their business. Halcon Viajes, Globalia, wanted to join the halcón Business opportunity and launched in early 2011 with the purpose of billing for business travel and events pass from 15 to 30 percent of total sales.


Halcon Business started with a portfolio more than 7,000 customers who were already served by the retail division of Globalia Events. The group led by Juan JoséHidalgohad signed a strategic alliance with Globalstar to Hawk was their sole representative forSpain.


The turnover of travel agents to corporate customers in 2010 accounted for 28 percent of total sales, reaching 3.752 million, after growing 4.9 percent from 4.6 percent sales grew to individuals.

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