Los TCP de Lufthansa amenazan con huelga

Los tripulantes de cabina de pasajeros de la compañía alemana Lufthansa van a decidir esta semana si convocan una huelga en el colectivo para protestar contra los planes de la empresa de recortar un 3% de la plantilla (3.500 trabajadores) y reducir los salarios en 1.500 euros mensuales.


La aerolínea quiere disminuir sus costes en 1.500 millones de euros este año, tras el recorte de 1.000 millones del año pasado, para hacer frente a la competencia y al precio del combustible.


De la plantilla de 120.000 trabajadores, unos 18.000 son TCP. El sindicato UFO (Organización Independiente de Auxiliares de Vuelo) se opone frontalmente al recorte de sus salarios y complementos.

UFO teme también que Lufthansa traspase personal de cabina a la nueva compañía de bajo coste para el corto radio que planea lanzar en 2013, Direct4U

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    12 años

    1500 € al mes para los tcps en Lufthansa?? Pues los de Iberia ya nos podemos ir prepatando para la que se avecina, con la diferencia de que aquí, si hacemos huelga, igual la declaran ilegal y así nos echan a todos por cuatro duros, como ha pasado con los 10 compañeros despedidos de Stavla.

    12 años

    Esta noticia es falsa, como les van a bajar 1.500 Euros al mes:
    Lufthansa cabin crew will decide next week whether to strike over pay, a move that could cause widespread flight disruption at Germany's leading airline.

    The UFO union, which represents more than 10,000 flight attendants and pursers in Germany, said on Friday it had rejected Lufthansa's latest offer but expected the airline to make a new proposal by the middle of next week.

    UFO chief negotiator Dirk Vogelsang told journalists that a strike seemed increasingly likely.

    The strike threat comes as Lufthansa cuts 3,500 jobs - about 3 percent of its global workforce of 117,000 - and freezes investment to boost profit squeezed by high fuel prices and fierce competition from low-cost and Middle East carriers.

    Lufthansa has also shifted contracts of pilots and flight attendants at Austrian Airlines to a lower-cost subsidiary and boosted cooperation between its main Lufthansa airline and low-cost carrier Germanwings.

    UFO is pushing for higher pay after three years without an increase and a pledge by Lufthansa not to staff flights with temporary workers.

    The union's head Nicoley Baublies would not say what form a strike could take but that even just stopping work for a few hours could have knock-on effects for days.

    "There are economic difficulties yes, but while they are paying out a dividend, they are clearly not a restructuring case," Baublies said, adding that the union had offered "painful" concessions, such as fewer days off.

    Flight attendants backed industrial action in a vote earlier this month but UFO said it would delay a decision on a strike until Lufthansa had presented its new offer.

    The union had hit back at plans by Lufthansa to hire temporary staff as flight attendants on its routes from Berlin, but a German court backed the airline earlier this year.


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