Aerolíneas | Lo ha anunciado el primer ministro malayo tras 16 días de búsqueda

Malaysia confirma que el Boeing 777 cayó al mar y todos fallecieron

Australia dice haber visto posibles objetos del desaparecido MH370

“En este día se ha determinado que el vuelo MH370 terminó su vuelo en una zona remota del Océano Índico” ha anunciado esta tarde el primer ministro malayo, Najib Razak, cuando se han cumplido 16 días de la desaparición del Boeing 777-200 de la compañía Malaysia Airlines que cubría la ruta Kuala Lumpur-Pekín.


El jefe del Gobierno de Malasia ha explicado que la aerolínea ha dado por seguro el fallecimiento de los 239 desaparecidos y que así lo ha comunicado a los familiares. En un mensaje SMS, Malaysia Airlines ha señalado que está “más allá de toda duda razonable que el MH370 se ha perdido y que ninguno de los que estaba a bordo ha sobrevivido”. La compañía ha expresado su profundo lamento por la situación.


El anuncio de Razak en rueda de prensa se ha producido tras cinco días de rastreo en el sur del Índico por parte de efectivos internacionales. Ha añadido que la oficina de investigación de accidentes del Reino Unido y de Inmarsat, la compañía británica que proporcionó las imágenes de satélite, han concluido que el MH370 “voló a lo largo del corredor meridional” y que su última posición se ubica en sobre el agua al oeste de Perth (Australia).  


Malaysia Airlines ha manifestado que “todos debemos ahora aceptar que todas las pruebas sugieren que el avión se cayó en la zona sur del océano Índico”. Así lo ha ratificado en su comparecencia el primer ministro del país asiático, quien ha incidido en que “se trata de una localización remota, lejos de cualquier posible lugar de aterrizaje. Es por ello que, con profunda tristeza y lamento, puedo informarles de que, de acuerdo con los nuevos informes, el vuelo Mh370 terminó en el sur del Océano Índico”.

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    10 años

    ¿Pero de qué pruebas habla Malasya Airlines???????? Menuda pandilla de incompetentes....

    10 años

    Las pruebas son:

    1.-Hay una base muy cerca de USA que se llama Diego Garcia y que wikipedia describe como base de fuentes de informacion satelital etc. Esta a unos 2400 Nm en linea recta de donde viro.

    2.- Iba a China y no llego.

    3.- Inmarsat , de GB, ya habia informado de detecciones puntuales que demostraban X puntos de trayectoria pero que "no podia" dar mas datos. Tanto si triangulaba como si era de dos satelites y partiendo de latitudes con posiciones angulares se calcula bastante fácil.

    4.- Rolls Royce, de Gb y Boing, de USA, recogieron datos de parametros de motor que igualmente demostraba habia volado mas de cuatro horas. Cruzando o combinando con previsiones y actualizaciones meteo de oros aviones se podria haber calculado bastante bien que zonass geograficas y niveles llevaba.

    5.- La familia del Cte desaparecio y nadie mas la vio el dia siguiente.No estaba entre los curiosos familiares ante malaysian.

    6.- Ni USA ni GB han dado ninguna ayuda en ningun mmento que se sepa para buscar en unas zonas mas que en otras, al contrario si ahora aperece por donde dicen mientras buscaban por el norte.

    7.- Australia, al lado de donde ahora dicen apareció es igualmente socia de USA y con parecida capcidad de drones y tecnológica por lo menos en la zona suya. Tampoco dijo nunca nada hasta ahora que fue la primera en avisar de que podrian ser restos pero siguen esperando a los barcos cuando los drones ven cms desde Kms.

    Osea que ni USA ni GB ni Australia combinados detectan nada o lo que detectan no lo comparten y el avion no llega a China.

    Estyos son los hechos.

    10 años

    ¡Cuánto sabes macho! Tu no seras de la NSA, verdad???? Jajaja. Mientras que no aparezcan restos del avion 100% contrastados, a ser posible la caja negra por favor, para mi todo lo que dices son simples conjeturas, no pruebas que demuestren que el avo se haya estrellado, aunque no dejen de ser una serie de datos evidentes y obvios (p.ej: Iba a China y no llegó jajaj-a, evidente querido Wathson) variados que sólo conducen a más hipótesis que no conducen a nada....pamplina.

    Para Conrado
    10 años

    Me cuesta creer que el avión no ha desaparecido de una manera "ortodoxa", pero tengo que reconocer que casi todos los puntos de los que hablas no dejan de rondar por mi cabeza. Y cuanto más lo pienso más credibilidad les doy.
    Ni un "may-day" por parte de los pilotos, ni una señal de radiobaliza, ni una detección ni foto realizada por alguno de los cientos de satélites espía que hay operativos monitorizando, prácticamente, todo el globo en tiempo real, ni un acercamiento ni una confirmación efectiva de que esos supuestos restos del avión que estan flotando, pertenecen, ó no, al 777,declaraciones inesperadas por parte de la Compañía asumiendo que el avión descansa en algun punto del fondo del índico sin aportar prueba alguna... De verdad que me cuesta, pero no puedo evitar admitir que en este asunto está pasando algo muy raro que no nos quieren contar..

    A otra cosa mariposa!
    10 años

    Al más puro estilo spanish. ale, arreglao, a otra cosa mariposa! que poco profesional y ético. Cuando hay decenas de familias preguntándose por sus padres, hijos, espos@s, etc, que después de todas las faltas de pruebas, quieran zanjar una desaparición de una aeronave dándoles a todos por muertos, sin saber realmente que es lo que ha sucedido... Me parece como poco de una baja profesionalidad, más siendo una de las aerolíneas mejores del mundo, se quieran deshacer así del "marrón" sólo hace que acrecentar lo turbio que huele todo ésto.

    European times del 14-8-14
    10 años

    A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly-secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll.
    10 años

    new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly-secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll.

    According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748 through a codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft “disappeared” in flight with 227 passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were Chinese, and 12 crew members.

    Interesting to note, this report says, was that Flight 370 was already under GRU “surveillance” after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama.

    What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was that within 24-hours of off-loading this “highly suspicious” cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under “suspicious circumstances.”

    Both Kennedy and Reynolds, this report says, were employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEAL’s) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout the world.

    Upon GRU “assests” confirming that this “highly suspicious” cargo was aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on 8 March, this report notes, Moscow notified China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) of their concerns and received “assurances” that “all measures” would be taken as to ascertain what was being kept so hidden when this aircraft entered into their airspace.

    However, this report says, and as yet for still unknown reasons, the MSS was preparing to divert Flight 370 from its scheduled destination of Beijing to Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (aka Hainan Island).

    Prior to entering the People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the Spratly Islands, this report continues, Flight 370 “significantly deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to Diego Garcia.

    Critical to note about Flight 370’s flight deviation, GRU experts in this report say, was that it occurred during the same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone communications operated by China Mobile were being jammed.

    China Mobile, it should be noted, extended phone coverage in the Spratly Islands in 2011 so that PLA soldiers stationed on the islands, fishermen, and merchant vessels within the area would be able to use mobile services, and can also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues.

    As to how the US Navy was able to divert Flight 370 to its Diego Garcia base, this report says, appears to have been accomplished remotely as this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft is equipped with a fly-by-wire (FBW) system that replaces the conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface allowing it to be controlled like any drone-type aircraft.

    However, this report notes, though this aircraft can be controlled remotely, the same cannot be said of its communication systems which can only be shut down manually; and in the case of Flight 370, its data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., followed by its transponder (which transmits location and altitude) which was shut down at 1:21 a.m.

    What remains “perplexing” about this incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama regime the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean and South China Sea regions as the US military covers this entire area from Diego Garcia like no other seas in the world due to its vital shipping and air lanes.

    Most sadly, this report concludes, the US is actually able to conceal the reason(s) for the “disappearance” of Flight 370 as they have already done so after the events of 11 September 2011 when the then Bush regime “disappeared” American Airlines Flight 77 and its 64 passengers and crew after falsely claiming it hit the Pentagon, but which was confirmed by the CNN News Service [see video HERE] not to have happened.
    10 años

    hat first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama was that within 24-hours of its off-loading this “highly suspicious” cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under “suspicious circumstances.”
    After this “highly suspicious” cargo was off loaded from MV Maersk Alabama, on 17 February, the GRU reported it was then transferred to Seychelles International Airport where it was loaded on an Emirates flight bound for Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia, after first stopping over in Dubai, where it was subsequently loaded onto Flight 370 on 8 March for its scheduled flight to Beijing.

    The GRU further reported, on 16 March, that after Flight 370’s “diversion” it was “nearly immediately” followed by some of the top disease scientists and experts from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDCP) embarking to Diego Garcia on at least four flights.
    On 18 March, this new GRU report says, this “highly suspicious” cargo was flown from Diego Garcia to the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico where it was destroyed in a 19 March explosion so massive it stunned the residents of this region due to the massive plume of smoke [photo 2nd right] Russian munitions experts speculate was caused by US military-grade Thermate (a variation of thermite) devices.
    Important to note, this report says, is that the US appears to have been planning this operation involving Flight 370 since this “highly suspicious” cargo was first offloaded in the Republic of Seychelles on 17 February, as three days later, 20 February, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) placed an order for 1,200 sets of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) single use overgarments which are meant to protect the wearer from radiological contamination in the form of radiological particulates.

    These PPE suits, which include hoods and boots, this report says, were delivered to the DTRA at their location on Kirtland Air Force Base, located in New Mexico, wher
    e they are tasked with protecting the United States against weapons of mass destruction.
    Equally important to note, this report continues, is that the US Department of Health and Human Services, on 6 December, ordered 14 million 65 mg doses of Potassium Iodide, the standard treatment protocol for someone exposed to high levels of radiation, to be delivered to them by the end of January 2014.

    As to the US-Chinese connection regarding the “highly suspicious” cargo aboard Flight 370 this report does not say, but does note that is of such concern that President Obama dispatched his wife to China as his “personal emissary” and stunned the American media by refusing to allow any reporters to accompany her.

    As US forces begin flooding into the European Union to counter Russian forces amassing on the Ukrainian border, this report concludes, the “mysterious” events surrounding Flight 370’s “highly suspicious” cargo cannot be separated from Obama’s sudden announcement today to cancel his planned Persian Gulf summit, especially in light of Saudi Arabia’s 11 March branding of the Obama regime as a “terrorist organization” and this cargos having transversed this most volatile Middle East region.
    10 años

    Diego Garcia as a designated ETOPS emergency landing site for flight planning purposes of commercial airliners transversing the Indian Ocean, and as one of 33 emergency landing sites worldwide for the NASA Space Shuttle, it is “inconceivable” that any type of aircraft, let alone Flight 370, can fly anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere without being tracked, monitored and recorded in totality.

    10 años

    Agradecer a Conrado sus argumentos que efectivamente dan que pensar y a la persona que aporto posteriormente la informacion del diario "Europeant Times" que tampoco es un medio ni sensacionalista ni sospechoso en modo alguno.

    Yo la verdad es que no conozco tanto de aviacion pero si que creo que hay que pensar el porque de la no informacion con tanta tecnologia. Las posibildades pueden ser aun muchas pero efectivamente no parece un accidente sin mas y el que ya anuncien el facclecimiento de todos da mala espina.

    Solo falta meter a un supervillano que en su juventud terteneciera a las juventudes hitlerianas, y te queda una pelicula que te cagas.
    10 años

    Solo falta meter a un supervillano que en su juventud terteneciera a las juventudes hitlerianas, y te queda una pelicula que te cagas.

    Esta tarde llamo a Putin para que me pase el informe de como Espinete mato a JFK.

    otra teoria
    10 años

    Original story: Malaysia Plane Hidden With Electronic Weapon? 20 High-Tech EW Defense Passengers

    Four people in particular who boarded the missing Malaysian plane are being investigated, two for stolen passports and two other passport-related suspects. Those four suspects plus twenty people on board involved in cutting edge electric technology. some used for defense purposes, raise a question with this reporter about electronic weaponry (EW) hiding the plane.

    Added to the tragic mystery is why not one country checked databases for information about stolen passports used to board the Malaysia Airlines flight.

    New electronic weapons (EW) allow jamming, blinding, deafening and more, so that a plane could possibly vanish from radar detection and security systems would not be activated. Basic radar Electronic Counter-Measure (ECM) strategies used in electronic warfare (EW) are: 1) radar interference, 2) target modifications, and 3) changing electrical properties of air.

    A U.S. intelligence assessment described to The Daily Beast by current and former U.S. intelligence officials, concluded any Israeli attack on Iran would go far beyond fighter plane airstrikes and would likely deploy EW against Iran’s electric grid, Internet, cellphone network, and emergency frequencies for firemen and police officers.

    “For example, Israel has developed a weapon capable of mimicking a maintenance cellphone signal that commands a cell network to “sleep,” effectively stopping transmissions, officials confirmed. The Israelis also have jammers capable of creating interference within Iran’s emergency frequencies for first responders.”

    In 2007, “the Syrian military got a taste of this warfare when Israeli planes ‘spoofed’ the country’s air-defense radars, at first making it appear that no jets were in the sky and then in an instant making the radar believe the sky was filled with hundreds of planes.”

    Last year, it was announced that new stealth technology makes airplanes invisible not only to radar. It also renders them hidden to the human eye – “just like an invisibility cloak in a Hollywood sci-fi thriller,” reported

    China had just touted its work on a “cloaking” technology using a hexagonal array of glass-like panels to bend light around an object, obscuring it from view, as though hidden by an invisibility cloak. Experts confirmed that the technology was legit — and not unlike American and European projects from the past few years.

    “The general public … might not hear about how far the U.S. has really come, because it is and should remain classified,” firearms expert Chris Sajnog, a former Navy SEAL, told “Other countries are still playing catch-up — but they’re closing the gap.” stated, “But while classified work progresses, several public projects from universities and military supply companies show just how real this futuristic technology is.”

    “Major arms developers such as BAE Systems readily acknowledge work on this kind of technology, such as the Adaptiv program, which aims to hide armored vehicles.”

    “The U.S. military is among many who have expressed interest in Adaptiv, which could be transferred to other platforms, such as ships and helicopters,” said Mike Sweeney, a spokesman for BAE.

    On the other hand, some experts dispute these new technologies can work at all.

    “Invisibility cloak is a poorly chosen term,” Thomas Way, associate professor of computing science at Villanova University, wrote to in an email. “Invisible to what? We already have stealth aircraft that are invisible to radar (usually), but there is absolutely no way given our current understanding of physics that something could be made invisible to the naked eye… If that’s what they are claiming, it’s a hoax.”

    In Electronic Warfare jargon, however, electronic countermeasure exists. ECM is an electrical or electronic device designed to trick or deceive radar, sonar or other detection systems, like infrared (IR) or lasers. ECM can be used offensively and defensively to deny targeting information to an enemy.

    The system can “make the real target appear to disappear or move about randomly. It is used effectively to protect aircraft from guided missiles,” according to Way.

    “Most air forces use ECM to protect their aircraft from attack. It has also been deployed by military ships and recently on some advanced tanks to fool laser/IR guided missiles. It is frequently coupled with stealth advances so that the ECM systems have an easier job. Offensive ECM often takes the form of jamming. Defensive ECM includes using blip enhancement and jamming of missile terminal homers.” (Wikipedia)

    Austin-based Freescale Semiconductor (NYSE:FSL) launched a major initiative dedicated to serving RF power needs of U.S. aerospace and defense (A&D) sector. It has a team of specialists dedicated to supporting defense customers.

    Freescale confirmed yesterday that 20 of its employees were on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, twelve from Malaysia and eight from China. The company’s key product solutions include those for electric vehicles, as this reporter highlighted yesterday:

    “Freescale Semiconductor (NYSE:FSL) is a global leader in embedded processing solutions, providing industry leading products that are advancing the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking markets,” the company says on its website and in its statement today. ”… our technologies are the foundation for the innovations that make our world greener, safer, healthier and more connected.”

    Freescale says its “key applications and end-markets include: automotive safety,hybrid and all-electric vehicles, next generation wireless infrastructure, smart energy management, portable medical devices, consumer appliances and smart mobile devices. The company is based in Austin, Texas, and has design, research and development, manufacturing and sales operations around the world.

    Freescale says its commercial products meet requirements of applications including EW:

    Battlefield communications
    HF through L- and S-Band radar
    Missile guidance
    Electronic warfare
    Identification, friend or foe (IFF)

    Juan Reyes
    10 años

    Me parece bien que digas algo, pero no embustes como esos, pura mentira, ese avion tiene mas de mil partes, que flotan en el agua, como asientos y demas, no hay ningun avion comercial que haya resistido a un impacto contra el agua, habrian restos de avion flotando en mas de 100 km de radio. Concretamente este avion no va aparecer, pero eso no se puede decir, informe del 12 de marzo 1997, a las 4:14 de la mañana a 300 km de Santiago, España, que digan lo que paso. Gracias

    Otra de algebra
    10 años

    Joroba. Ahora que ya nos habíamos creído lo del escudo antimisiles que son capaces de detectar un misil que el enemigo ha lanzado poniendo todo el cuidado del mundo en que nadie lo pueda detectar, vamos y nos lo echan por tierra conque también tenemos el antídoto que lo hace inservible. ¡Y aún no hemos terminado de pagarlo!

    No se. A lo mejor las dos cosas son mentira.

    Pero bueno si hay gente que se gasta un dinero en una pulsera magnética que cura el cancer ¿Por que no vamos a hacer negocio de esto?

    En fin. Que le pregunten a mi suegra que esa se entera de todo. No se como.

    10 años

    Con el MH-370 hay 2 hechos que dan que pensar:

    1) To do el mundo mundial, pero que todo, todo, incluyendo a los extraterrestres que habitan entre nosotros, está pendiente del dichoso avión. Las noticias se han dado con cuentagotas; apareciendo "nuevas evidencias" justo cuando parecía que decaía la atención, datos contradictorios, explicaciones inverosímiles, curioso caso de evasión tecnológica en una de las zonas donde debe de haber más radares y satélites por milímetro cuadrado (China-Pakistán-La India-Vietnam-Birmania-Afganistán-Irán)

    ¿Puede tratarse de un experimento a nivel mundial de manipulación de la información?

    2) En un primer momento, el detonante de que el avión no se encontraba en el mar fue que los familiares afirmaban que los móviles seguían sonando. Todavía no se ha dado una explicación a este curioso hecho. Y ahora nos dicen que si, que efectivamente el avión está en el mar, nada menos que camino de la Antártida, que debe de tener una cobertura mejor que muchas aldeas de los Picos de Europa, por lo que se ve.

    Hay muchas teorías conspiranoicas circulando por la red. Sin duda algunas muy retorcidas e increíbles, pero que "algo huele a podrido en Dinamarca" es la única certeza que tenemos en este momento. La única. Por mucho que Malasia intente dar por zanjado el asunto.

    Aunque aparezcan algunos restos ahora mismo, y no el 8 de marzo, no van a probar nada: los restos se pueden transportar y colocarlos convenientemente donde mejor proceda.

    10 años

    Yo la verdad e que siempre pensé estaría en alguna isla remota de Indonesia por donde los barcos han de surcar con mercenarios para evitar piratas amen de pagar protección a los generales feudales por donde pasan; y esperaba la falta de información fuera mientras los rescataban de un acto de piratería musulmán radical etc.

    Mientras, lo dicho, los chinos seguro que no tuvieron que ver en la desaparición porque les hubiera bastado con esperar al avión, los rusos tampoco por echar mierda a los USA sobre muchos datos verdaderos con bastante seguridad (tanta que no participaron en las labores de búsqueda ni para disimular)y los USA pues la verdad es que para ser inocentes yendo de tontos no les ayuda la verdad, mas teniendo todas las posibilidades técnicas a la vuelta de la esquina, los datos de los motores, satélites, drones, etc.

    Me imagino no tuvieron otra pero si fue por salvar por ej a Pekin de 4 Ton de lo que sea (por ej con bomba barométrica a la altura mas letal X sobre Pekin) podrían ponerse medallas y seguir echando la culpa al piloto radical que prefiriera suicidarse al no poder etc. El no hacerlo y que no aparezcan tantas vidas da que pensar si.

    Ahora ya, cuando ya los dan por muertos,me imagino habrán ya llegado a un acuerdo de echar la culpa al muerto por suicidio y no a Boeing que lo pasaría mal con cancelaciones de pedidos ni a Malaysian que le saldrían muy caras las indemnizaciones por fallos de seguridad o de no aclaración de por que no decían nada coherente y no contradictorio.

    la culpa al muerto, al bollo y a otro rollo en Tele 5

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