Un avión de Ryanair, en riesgo por una distracción del piloto

Invadió el espacio aéreo reservado a helicópteros tras una pérdida de altura de 167 metros

Un avión 737 de Ryanair que volaba desde el aeropuerto polaco de Szczecin al londinense de Stansted, invadió el espacio aéreo reservado a helicópteros, creando una situación de grave riesgo, tras una pérdida de altura de 167 metros, fruto de un descuido del piloto.

La oficina que investiga los siniestros de aviación en Gran Bretaña (y también aquellas situaciones como esta, en las que no ha habido siniestro, pero sí un riesgo que perfectamente pudo haber desembocado en una catástrofe), tras investigar lo ocurrido, acaba de publicar un informe que se ha comunicado a las partes, con indicaciones para evitar su repetición.

Según la AAIB, el piloto estaba más pendiente de qué hacía el copiloto que del propio avión, por lo que por un periodo de tiempo breve perdió el control, ya en la aproximación a Stansted, cayendo más allá de lo que tenía indicado. Eso llevó al avión a entrar en una zona reservada para helicópteros. De haber uno volando, podría perfectamente haberse estrellado.

El informe también recoge el fallo del control aéreo, que debió de alertar al piloto sobre su descuido pero que estaba realizando otra tarea.

Obviamente, los pasajeros no supieron nada de lo ocurrido y el avión aterrizó sin ninguna novedad, pese a que había corrido un riesgo tan elevado sin que nadie fuera de la cabina de pilotos se enterara.

El informe ha sido comunicado a las partes para que modifique el entrenamiento de los pilotos y se incorporen los matices que se derivan de esta situación.


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    El trueno
    4 días

    Lo típico de un buen jefe. Declaraciones: "Trababa de controlar las acciones del first officer, no estaba controlando el avión"

    Pelota al tejado del oponente.

    Magníficas declaraciones de un CAPTAIN, COMANDANTE, PECHO DE PLATA, LOMUS PLATEATUS!

    HEPA tando
    4 días

    The UK AAIB released their final bulletin concluding the probable causes of the incident were:

    Having levelled off after a GA, the aircraft descended 600 ft from its cleared altitude. This was a result of an incorrect procedure being used during the handover of control and the commander monitoring the co-pilot’s actions, rather than the aircraft.

    The AAIB summarized the sequence of events:

    The aircraft was on a scheduled flight from Szczecin Airport, Poland to London Stansted Airport. The flight was uneventful until the ILS approach into Stansted, which was flown by the co-pilot. At the time Runway 04 was in use, the weather was fine, and the wind was from 080° at 15 kt.

    With the aircraft stable at 500 ft radio altitude, the PF disconnected the autopilot (A/P) and autothrottle (A/T). At about 240 ft the approach became unstable; the IAS was just below VREF and the aircraft was drifting above the glideslope (GS). Despite the PF positively trying to correct the IAS and the GS, the commander felt the aircraft would land deep. As a result, he called “go-around”, which the PF initiated at about 15 ft agl. The go-around (GA) was then manually flown to 3,000 ft amsl, in accordance with the published missed approach procedure (MAP).

    Once the aircraft had levelled at 3,000 ft, and before a left turn that was part of the MAP had been initiated, ATC asked the crew the reason for the GA, and if they were happy to make a second approach. At this time the flaps were still extended at Flaps 1. The PM replied that they had “got a bit unstable” and that they were happy to make a second approach. ATC responded by instructing the aircraft to turn left on to a downwind heading. The commander then asked the co-pilot if he wanted to fly the second approach, which he agreed to do. Having discussed who would set up the Flight Management Computer (FMC) for the second approach, the co-pilot said he would.

    The commander then declared “i have control” and the co-pilot responded, “you have control”. However, the co-pilot did not state that the A/P and A/T were not engaged. Shortly thereafter, while the aircraft was still in the left turn, the commander noticed that the aircraft was descending and had descended about 550 ft. He promptly took control and climbed the aircraft back to 3,000 ft; the aircraft had descended 600 ft in total during the descent. The A/P and A/T were then engaged, and the commander then elected to fly the approach and landing, which was uneventful. At the time of the level bust the ATCO was co-ordinating the next departure with a colleague and did not notice it.

    When the level bust occurred, there was a helicopter that was operating VFR outside controlled airspace at 2,000 ft amsl, that was inbound to Stansted. The helicopter was subsequently cleared to enter the Stansted Controlled Traffic Region (CTR) “not above 2,000 ft amsl”

    Jose Antonio
    4 días

    Lo estándar de Preferente cuando hay un evento con pilotos , a punto de colisión , a punto de estrellarse y etc … jajaja dios , no os dais cuenta que así no se cuentan las cosas
    Mirar como el Sr HEPA hace una reconstrucción profesional y aséptica de los hechos, y no la vuestra .

    En fin, otro más junto a los varios anteriores como el de AlbaStar , otros de RYA , Vueling y etc .

    Hay que ser más aséptico en esto y exponer los hechos tal cual , los comentarios de podría sin detallar el motivo o sesgadamente , es para las pelis o la prensa digamos , rosa …

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